CustomCTRL is a new and very promising Open-source Hardware (OSHW) controller, based on Arduino platform. It supports all major home automation interfaces which will allow it to integrate your home’s lighting, HVAC, and AV control into accessible, expandable and hopefully simple to operate system. But here’s the catch – for this project to take off and to go into production it needs support from the fellow DIY crowd. Literally, it needs to raise at least $33,000 by May 3rd to get funded.
The whole idea of OSHW is very interesting and gained quite a lot of momentum in the past few years. The designers of OSHW share all their schematics, PCB layouts, programming, etc with the public, so anyone can take the project and build it himself (or herself), or contribute to improving the original design.
The device can learn and send IR signals like a regular remote. Different attachment options let it speak to four of the most common types of home automation devices (Insteon, X10, Z-wave and XBee)
You will be able to access and control CustomCTRL from iPhone, Android and other popular mobile devices. All in all it is a very cool project that deserves to get your support!
To show your interest in the project there are several pledge packages available starting from $1.
If you are new to Kickstarter’s backing concept here’s how it works…
The project needs to raise the targeted dollar amount by specified date. If that happens, then CustomCTRL will go into production and your pledge will be charged to your credit card and the hardware sent to you. Again, your card is only charged if funding succeeds. If that is not the case, then no one pays anything and gets nothing. If you pledge and then change your mind later on, you can withdraw your pledge before May 3rd.
For more info (including video) and to pledge go to CustomCTRL’s project page on Kickstarter.
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